Message after message is preached about speaking to your mountain. How do we respond though when the mountain in front of us just won’t move?
Every time I turn around I keep hearing or seeing something about mountains. Let me take you through a preview of how last week went for me.
On my way to work on Monday, I was looking for a podcast to listen to and came across Brittani Scott’s “Live Like the Mountain is Out” episode from back in April. In it she talked about where that phrase came from. They have a well known mountain where she lives. When the skies are clear and the fog is non-existent, you can see the mountain. On those days people are happier and ready to start their days rather than on the days when everything is kind of dreary looking.
The phrase “live like the mountain is out” came about to mean that we should live as if today is a good day. A day where we feel motivated to accomplish something, even if it is a depressing overcast sort of day.
As I was scrolling through Facebook on Tuesday evening, I came across a post Bro. Lee Stoneking posted. He said, “If you speak to your mountain and it does not move; THEN CLIMB IT!”
Wednesday morning, as I was on my way to work, I turned on one of my Spotify playlists and hit shuffle. Mountains by Indiana Bible College was the first song to pop up. “But when the mountains won’t move | Still, I will choose to say | You never fail | You’re always faithful | Your word is true | I know you’re able” Funny enough, as soon as I wrote the sentence for the next paragraph, it came on again from the Sangary Brothers Radio as if to confirm even more.
Finally on Thursday, my husband sat down at the piano at home and played "Sometimes It Takes A Mountain."
I prayed last Sunday for God to guide me in this week’s blog. Based on how my week went, I feel like God is leading me to talk about when we face a mountain.
Life is an endless roller coaster between mountains. We hit one sometimes before we feel like we have hardly left the last one.
A well known verse that is used to encourage people is Matthew 17:20. “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”
My husband and I have been facing something I suppose you could call our mountain. When you have a mountain it is nearly impossible to see the other side.
What do you do when you know without a shadow of a doubt everything is okay, while most around you give concerned looks knowing it won’t turn out the way you thought? Then when things actually don’t end up okay, people tell you, “It’s okay, just have faith.” Has anyone else experienced this or am I the only one being thrown for a loop?
Message after message is preached about speaking to your mountain. How do we respond though when the mountain in front of us just won’t move?
Moving a mountain isn’t an easy task. It takes strength, faith, and dedication. Sometimes, you cannot do it by yourself or it simply wasn’t meant to be moved. That’s a hard concept for us to grasp, but that isn’t the end of our story.
How do you get to the other side of your mountain if you can’t move it? Bro. Stoneking said it perfectly. You climb it.
Climbing your mountain is just like pressing through the storm. Especially when it seems like our mountain is Mt. Everest while it seems like everyone else has these mole hills that hardly count as mountains. We see our whole mountain, but what we see of others is just the tip of the iceberg.
We know we have to climb the mountain, but exactly how do we do that?
Prayer is our climbing tool.
We see a perfect example in Luke 6:12, “One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night.”
Again in Matthew 14:23-24, “After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.”
God moves in our lives when we get alone with Him. He is our Comfort in the storm. Though we may not be able to move our mountains, that doesn’t mean we are stuck. It just means we have to put in some extra effort in prayer and drawing close to the Lord.
Depending on the circumstance it can be days, weeks, months, or even years before we see the other side of the mountain. But with prayer, with God on our side, the journey is much easier!