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Our Faith Trumps Our Emotions

Writer's picture: Heaven PowellHeaven Powell

Not how we feel, but how Jesus feels

Talking with my mum this past weekend, the topic came up of ‘it isn’t about how we feel. It’s just all about Jesus.’ I really wanted to dive in and study this a bit more and came across a note I had made while Bro. Jeremy Wilbanks was preaching years ago. He said, “We worship whether we feel it or not, because all that matters is if God feels it.” Almost to a tee of what we were talking about!

Looking back it seems that as teenagers (most of my friends then and maybe most young people in church), what we could feel became our foundation of salvation. As long as we could feel God moving, we were saved.

But that is not what living for God is about. Stepping away from how me, myself, and I feel and focusing on what Jesus feels is so vital in a Christian’s walk.

Jesus, others, me

As a young child at school and church I was taught our focus is first God, second others, then lastly me. Watching people who have truly implemented this into their lives, we can see God’s hand reaching to bless, guide, and prosper their work for Him.

A couple months ago I went to see my aunt and she was so excited. “Do you know Sis. Susan Templet? You have to watch this video. She is talking a little bit about her testimony. She is so happy!” (paraphrasing a little bit) I watched the video and before I could get half way through she had me joining her in joy and then chill bumps at the awe of what the Lord can do.

You can see how Sis. Templet has put God first and then others, and herself last just through that 13 minute video. It’s about putting on the whole armor of God, I encourage you to go watch it.

Jesus is the Center (and Creator!) of the world. So wouldn’t it make sense for us to make Him the Center of our lives?

When we put God first, then turn our attention to others we are able to be a light. Our self is last to accomplish our first two needs of focus.

Faith > Emotion

2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)”

Sight is a very strong tie to our emotions.

Professor Rosa at Monash University quoted, “This area (prostriata) had ultra-fast responses to visual stimuli, simultaneously broadcasting information to brain areas that control attention, emotional and motor reactions.” *

Picture this.

You are in a pitch black room with nothing to show you the exit, just darkness. God says just keep going, the door is right in front of you. What do you do? Do you stumble around the room trying to feel something? Or do you have faith and believe the door is where God said it was by walking straight towards it?

The same is our daily walk with Him.

Matthew 14 tells us about when Jesus called Peter to walk on the waters to Him. “30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. 31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”

Faith trumps emotion.

We focus a lot of the time on Peter sinking, but before he started to, he walked close enough that Jesus could reach and catch him. If I can just have the faith to get near Jesus, He will keep me.

Matthew 17 says, “20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. 21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.”

Reading this passage, the words prayer and fasting caught my attention. We want to see miracles, signs, and wonders - but are we willing to pray and fast to see them?

Our faith will increase when we disconnect from the flesh and reconnect with God.

Worshiping when our emotions seem dried up

How many times do we enter worship service and find ourselves just singing along, maybe whispering a few words of our own in praise?

Whether we feel it or not, we need to put our all (which can change depending on our physical body) into it. God sees everything we go through, our love and adoration for Him.

Press in prayer for God to feel that adoration. We may not have tears streaming down our face every worship service, what matters is having a heart full of worship. “Jesus, I want to lift you up because you are worthy!”

It is always wonderful to feel His presence and to feel Him working in our lives, but not feeling an overwhelming move of emotions when we are doing something for the Lord does not mean we do not have a sincere heart.


I don’t follow Jesus because of what I see and feel, but because I have faith in Him!

If this stirred something within you today, to be faithful over emotional, just take a moment wherever you are and thank the Lord. Great is His faithfulness!


* Sources:

2012, 24 July. "Brain Discovery Sheds Light on Link between Vision and Emotion." Monash University. 09 Aug. 2018. Web.

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