Part 2 of 2: Tools
I want to start off by saying, some of the things in this list are not to change the ways no matter what time in history we have used to draw closer to the Lord. The best ways are always, always going to be prayer and fasting. Without prayer and fasting, we will struggle to find the throne room. These are some typical things we may have already incorporated into our lives, and some new ways that are wonderful opportunities because of being blessed to live in this time period.
Always start your day off with Jesus.
Wake up a little earlier than you need to. Even if it is only 15-20 minutes. Dedicate that time to connect with Him before you start getting ready or go about your day. While you’re at it, thank Him for 5 things. You will be amazed at how much different your day will go. When we put the Lord first in our day, it helps us put Him first in our overall life.
Music is a beautiful way to express your love and adoration to Jesus.
Listen to praise and worship music on your way to work, church, wherever. Sing while cleaning the house. When I was little I remember going to Elder Childress’ church up in Indiana with my grandparents. I was 6 maybe at the time? I told my pops that I wanted to sing so before he preached he called me up there to sing. Well I decided it was the perfect time to perform my new song, a song I myself didn’t know until the words came out of my mouth. I can’t remember what I said but it was about loving Jesus. They thought I was cute and will laugh about it to this day. Well, I still do that. Not in church, but by myself. Lol Just this morning on my way to work I was singing about what a good God He is and how He created us. Might sound funny to someone else, but that’s me and Jesus time. He loves to hear the praises of His people.
Memorize verses of Scripture.
I always get so excited when I memorize a verse and can say it off of the top of my head. I have one more tool to help someone in my daily conversation. If someone asks me why I believe something, I can tell them a verse I know by heart, that they can also read for themselves, and not be fumbling through my Bible trying to find a verse that fits my answer. It helps us to know what we believe, and why we believe it.
Which then brings me to my next tip. Make a point of talking to someone about the Lord.
Talk with your brothers and sisters in the Lord about how good God is. Let that lady at the grocery store know you are praying for her. Tell your bank teller how God has blessed you. Be intentional throughout your day to reach and uplift as many people as possible.
Create a prayer closet.
I love the idea of a literal prayer closet. It’s a special place that you can focus on God and not worry about distractions. I want to one day have an empty walk-in closet that I can make into a prayer closet. Have a prayer request book or board to pin them where I can read them as I pray. Something about having a specific somewhere that is just you and God’s meeting place. You don’t have to have a physical prayer closet though. Finding a place in your day, somewhere you can go and spend your time with Him, is the main focus. Can be beside your bed, your front porch, your car. Anywhere where it can be just you and God for a little while.
Listen to Apostolic podcasts, vlogs, preaching, or audio Bible.
We live in a different world today where we can surround ourselves with the Word of God and wisdom of the church almost all the time. There are so many outlets to draw close to the Lord.
Podcasts (Available anywhere you get your podcasts)
The Apostolic Leadership Podcast
Cut It Straight
2 Pentecostals and a Microphone
Holy Ghost Radio (App on Google Play and Apple App Store)
Apostolic Vault (App on Google Play and Apple App Store)
Audio Bibles
Create a blessings box.
Every time God does something to bless you, even as little as praying to get a front parking spot at the market and a spot almost at the door is open, write that on a piece of paper and put it in your blessings box.
Get a Bible study group together.
Life is extremely hectic for a lot of people. We have half a million things already going on, so what is so neat about being in the modern world is you can do this via Zoom or another group video chat app. You can even have a Bible study with someone across the world! Gathering together to study the Word with like-minded believers is so powerful because they will see things you never thought about and you them. That’s one side of Bible studies. The other is a Bible study for those who don’t go church or just started going and haven’t received the Holy Ghost yet. If you are reading this now and don’t know what the Holy Ghost is or why we need to have it - message me today and we can do a Bible study on it! Social media is the best way to contact me. @heavenlycomposes
There are so many wonderful ways to draw close to the Lord. I encourage you to go deeper in your walk with Jesus. If you have never been a part of a Bible study, find someone who is teaching one. Sit in and get involved. Memorize some verses that mean a lot to you. Sing praises to Him [even if you don’t think you have a good voice (guess what, God thinks it is beautiful)] while driving to work. Actively seek after the Lord.
I am so excited to worship and hear the wonderful word tomorrow at church! I want more of Jesus. As the song says, “Less of me and more of you is what I need.” (I Want Your Glory)
Instead of a guest blog this month, I am trying something a little different. Stay tuned!!